Top layer-one protocols advance in spite of crypto-winter
Stalwarts BTC & ETH are marginally up and the total category basically flat. Or have they? Truth is that a lot has been happening as some crypto platforms have continued to grow and garner large capital allocation.
Crypto assets have been treading water over the last six months with stalwarts BTC & ETH marginally up and the total category basically flat. Or have they? Truth is that a lot has been happening as some crypto platforms have continued to grow and garner large capital allocation. A case in point are the top Layer One Protocols (L1P) platforms; AVAX, LUNA & SOL whose value, on an aggregate basis, grew a stunning 480%+ since May. 2021 will be remembered as the year institutional investors started to take the category very seriously. Akin to Venture Capital, indexing or, even worse, “spray and pray” make little sense when it comes to blockchain investments. As the sector is maturing, more discriminating capital allocation will make all the difference in what is likely the generational investment opportunity of the 2020s.