What makes us different
The three key principles that inform our thinking:

Simplicity is complexity resolved
SWERVE’s approach is driven by a core understanding of economics but also history, politics, and psychology. SWERVE’s process is eclectic by design and based on common sense, strong logic, and objective data, balanced with right-brain intuition and curiosity.

Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past.
SWERVE’s work is steeped in the study of history. The change sweeping our society and economies are unfamiliar and troubling. Such changes can better be understood and managed in the context of long-term socio-economic cycles going back at least two thousand years. That is why comprehending history has become critical to the investment process.

Today everything is a conflict of interest
In the world of global investing, conflicts of interest are the norm rather than the exception. When the protection of wealth is at stake, the adviser’s independence is more valuable than the advice itself. SWERVE’s process is independent by design as our compensation is independent from the strategies deployed by our clients.